About Industry-Specific Field Names

If your company plans on using P6 EPPM with both the core P6 web application and the P6 Professional application for Microsoft Windows, you may be interested in the following information on industry-specific field names.

When you install P6, the application uses one consistent naming convention for all fields. However, when you install P6 Professional, the installer will offer you the option of specifying a particular industry setting. Based upon your selection, the P6 Professional user interface displays certain fields with titles appropriate for that industry. For example, in an Engineering and Construction environment, costs and units would be budgeted, durations would be labeled original and the global name for a company would be organization. In an IT environment, the same cost and unit fields would be termed planned, durations would be labeled planned, and the company would be referred to as enterprise.

Keep these subtle changes in mind when switching between P6 and P6 Professional. In order to minimize any confusion when using both P6 and P6 Professional, install P6 Professional with the IT industry setting. This configuration matches the field naming used by the P6 web application.

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024