Version Tab of the Document Details Page or Dialog Box (with content repository)


Use this tab to view a list of all the stored versions of a selected document.

Your access to Documents features and functionality are determined by the type of content repository installed. Features not supported by your content repository are unavailable in P6, although they might be described in P6 Help.

Screen Elements

Version field

The version number of the document. Version 1 is the original version of the document.

If the version number is a link, you can click the link to view that version of the document.

Review Status field

The current review status of the document.

The review statuses are Blank, In Review, Approved, Rejected, and Terminated. If the document is not under review, this field is blank.

This field is not available when you access document details from the My Documents portlet.

Modified By field

The name of the person who last modified the document.

Modified Date field

The date and time the document was last modified.

Comments field

Any comments associated with the document version.

Getting Here

From the Documents page:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Documents.
  3. On the Documents page, click the Project tab.
  4. On the Project tab, select a project and then select a document.
  5. In the Document Details and click the Version tab.

From the Dashboards page:

  1. Click Dashboards.
  2. On the Dashboards page, select a dashboard tab.
  3. On the dashboard tab, expand the My Documents portlet and select the Private Documents tab.
  4. On the Private Documents tab, select a document and click Edit Details.
  5. In the Document Details dialog box, click the Version tab.

Related Topics

Configuring Document Details

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024