About Timesheets

With the optional P6 Team Member Web module installed, users can submit timesheets reflecting their work assignments on projects. Timesheet approval managers can then approve or reject those timesheets.

Timesheets allow the user to record hours for assigned activities. Timesheets are assigned a period and an approval level. The period defines the amount of time the timesheet covers, lasting from one week to a month, and what day of the week will conclude the timesheet. The approval level specifies how many levels of approval are necessary to submit a timesheet. Approval levels range anywhere from no approval required to two approval levels.

Related Topics

Working with Timesheets

Approving or Rejecting Timesheets

Sending Email about Timesheets to Resources

Assigning a Project Manager Delegate for Timesheets

Assigning a Resource Manager Delegate for Timesheets

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024