Sending Email about Timesheets to Resources

As a timesheet approval manager, you can send an Email notification to a resource at any time. For example, you might want to remind a resource or group of resources about timesheets that need to be submitted. The resources and users you notify must already have a valid Email address stored in P6.

To send Email about timesheets:

  1. Click Approvals.
  2. On the Approvals navigation bar, select Timesheets.
  3. On the Timeshests page:
    1. Select Project Manager or Resource Manager from the Approving as list. Or, if you are a delegate, select the value from the list that best represents your current role.
    2. Click Action Required to view timesheets awaiting your input or All Timesheets to view all timesheets.
    3. Select a timesheet about which you want to send an email.
    4. Click Row Actions and select Email.
  4. In the Send Email dialog box:
    1. P6 pre-fills the recipient list and subject of the Email. Edit the recipients and subject as necessary.
    2. Enter the message body in the large field below the subject line.
    3. Click Send.

      Note: Use the Bcc field to send Email to multiple recipients. This hides the list of recipients when delivered, safeguarding the privacy of each recipient.

Related Topics

Working with Email Notifications

Sending Email about Documents

Sending Email about Issues

Sending Email to a Project Manager

Sending Email to Project Resources

Sending Email to Resource Teams

Updating the Progress of Activities Using Email Statusing Service

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024