Future Period Planning: Deleting, Copying, Pasting, and Replacing Data

Copying and pasting a project, WBS, or activity

When you copy and paste a project, WBS or activity which has had future period data entered against it, the future period values are copied to the new project, WBS or activity if you choose to copy Resource and Role Assignments in the Copy Activity Options dialog box.

Deleting future period values

When you delete a future period value, P6 considers the value to be a zero.

Deleting a project, WBS, activity, or assignment

When you delete a project, WBS, activity, or assignment, the associated future period values are also deleted. This cannot be undone.

Deleting a resource or role with manual future period values

When you delete a resource or role, you can choose to preserve the associated assignment data, including future period data, by merging the data with another resource.

Assigning a new resource to an activity that already has a resource assignment with manually entered future period values

When you add an assignment to an activity that already has an existing assignment, P6 respects your My Preferences settings for assignment staffing.

When you add a resource assignment to an activity that already has an existing resource assignment with manual future period values, P6 considers your selection for the When assigning a resource to an existing activity assignment preference in the Resources section of the Global tab of My Preferences. If you select Always use the new resource's Units/Time and Overtime factor the future period values of the existing resource assignment may be respread across future periods if the new resource you assign has a different Uints/Time. If you select Always use current assignment's Units/Time and Overtime factor the units you that have been entered into future periods for the existing resource assignment are not changed for the existing assignment.

When you add a resource assignment to an activity that already has an existing role assignment (or vice versa), P6 considers your selection for the When a resource and role share an activity assignment preference in the Resources section of the Global tab of My Preferences. If you select Always use resource's Price/Unit the future period values for the existing role assignment may be respread across future periods based on the values of the new resource. If you select Always use role's Price/Unit the future period values for the existing resource assignment may be respread across future periods based on the new role's values.

Removing or replacing a resource assignment with manually entered future period values

When you replace the resource or role assigned to an activity future period values entered for that assignment are preserved with the new assignment.

When you remove a resource or role assignment that has future period values, the future period values are deleted. If other assignments with future period values exist on the same activity, those assignments' future period values may change based on the activity type and your user preference settings for assignment staffing in the Resources section of the Global tab of My Preferences.

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Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024