About Security

The application provides the following methods for managing your security needs:

Secure Logins: Users must authenticate their access to the application with individual user names and passwords.

Password Policy: Administrators can configure a more robust set of password rules for users logging into P6. If the Enable Password Policy option is selected on the General page of the Application Settings page, users must enter a strong password with a minimum length of 8 characters, including one alphabetic character and one numeric character. If the option is cleared, the password requirements are relaxed, and users must enter a password of at least one and up to 20 characters in length.

Security Profiles: Defined collections of global and project level security privileges are stored and then assigned to users as needed. Users can only edit and save items if they have the appropriate security privileges.

Access Settings: Administrators can configure each user's security permissions. Settings include module access, OBS access, application settings, and more.

User Interface Views: Access to pages and menus within each section can be controlled by configuring and assigning user interface views. Users may be allowed or denied the ability to edit their view settings.

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024