Team Member and P6 Mobile tab of the Consent Notice Page


Use this page to configure and audit consent notices for P6 Team Member Web, P6 for Android, and P6 for iOS.

Screen Elements

Copy P6 EPPM and P6 Professional Message option

Copies the text and formatting from the Consent Message in the P6 EPPM and P6 Professional tab into the Consent Message box.

Consent Message section

Preview button

Shows a preview of the consent notice as users will see it.

Consent Message field

The consent message that will be shown to users.

Status of user acceptance section

Forget all users acceptance button

Sets the consent status of all users to Not Responded. All users will be asked to accept consent again.

Enable Consent Notice list

Determines which actions will cause the consent notice to be displayed to users.


Prints the current page, table, chart, or item.


Enables you to perform a search based on the value you enter in the search bar.

Enabled or Disabled indicator

Shows whether the specified action will cause the consent notice to be displayed to users.

Row Actions menu

Email User for Consent Rejection: Sends an email to the selected users about their consent status.


Enables you to download the data as an Excel file. For hierarchical data, the top level and any expanded levels are downloaded. For flat lists, all rows are downloaded.

Getting Here

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click Application Settings.
  3. On the Application Settings page, click Consent Notice.
  4. On the Consent Notice page, click Team Member and P6 Mobile.

Related Topics

Managing Personal Information in P6 EPPM

About Consent Notices

Configuring Consent Notices for P6 Team Member

Auditing Consent Status

Last Published Thursday, June 20, 2024