Activity codes and values

Activity codes and values enable you to filter, group, sort, and report activity information according to your organization's unique requirements. For example, if your organization has more than one location, you can create a Location code with values such as New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. You can then associate activities with a specific location, such as New York.

You can define three types of activity codes, global activity codes, EPS-level activity codes, and project-level activity codes. You can assign global activity codes and values to activities in all projects. You can assign EPS-level activity codes and values to the EPS.EPS-level activity codes are useful when you don't want certain codes to be accessible to all users, or project-specific. You can assign project-level activity codes and values to activities only in the project for which the codes were created. Each activity code can have an unlimited number of values.

You can also assign a color to an activity code value for use in Visualizer. Assign colors to activity code values when you want the option from within the Visualizer application to color bars using the colors assigned in P6 Professional. You can also update colors directly in Visualizer. These updates will be saved to the database.


Last Published Friday, March 29, 2024