Add a WBS element

  1. Choose Project, WBS.
  2. Select the WBS element to which you want to add a child WBS element, then click on the Edit toolbar or choose Edit, Add.

    The new WBS element is indented one level under the selected WBS element. You can change the position of the WBS element using the arrows on the Move toolbar.
  3. Click the General tab, then type the element's code and name. Use the remaining fields on this tab as follows:

    Status - select the status for the selected WBS element.

    Responsible Manager – select the name of the selected WBS element's root OBS (organizational breakdown structure) element.

    Anticipated Dates – enter expected start and finish dates for the WBS element. These dates are used during the project planning stage and are not affected by scheduling. These dates are used to set Start and Finish dates for the WBS during the project planning stage when activities are not added to the WBS. When activities are added, WBS Start and Finish dates are rolled up from the earliest start and latest finish dates from the WBS activities.
  4. To calculate the performance percent complete based on WBS weighted milestones, click the WBS Milestones tab.

Last Published Friday, March 29, 2024