Define user preferences

  1. Choose Edit, User Preferences.
  2. Click the Time Units tab and define how to display time information.
  3. Click the Dates tab and specify a format for dates.
  4. Click the Currency tab and select a view currency. Also, specify how to format currency data.
  5. Click the Email tab and enter your email settings.

    If P6 Professional is connected to a SQL Lite database, the Email tab is not available.
  6. Click the Assistance tab and specify which wizards to use.
  7. Click the Application tab and set your startup options. You can also select how you want labels on grouping bands to display and define the range of financial periods that are available for display as columns. In addition, you can set the time interval that P6 Professional polls the database for job alerts, which are created every time a job you submit completes or fails.
  8. Click the Password tab and modify your password.

    If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, password management is handled through the directory server. You cannot change your password through the module and the Password tab does not appear in the User Preferences dialog box.

    If P6 Professional is connected to a Cloud Connect database, password management is handled through P6. You cannot change your password through P6 Professional and the Password tab does not appear in the User Preferences dialog box.
  9. Click the Resource Analysis tab. Define the parameters for viewing all project data in the Resource Usage profile and how to display and calculate time-distributed data.
  10. Click the Calculations tab and choose how you want the units, duration, and units/time calculated when adding or removing multiple resource assignments on activities. You can also choose to always use a resource's or role's units/time, overtime factor, and price/unit when a resource and role share an assignment on the same activity.
  11. For Oracle or SQL Server installations, click the Startup Filters tab and choose to display current project data or all data in the enterprise. You can also choose whether resource summary data will load at startup.
  12. Click the Personal Information tab, and enter your contact details. You can withdraw your acceptance for your details to be kept in the system ny clicking Forget User Acceptance.

    If P6 Professional is running in LDAP authentication mode, your contact details are managed through the directory server and you cannot change your contact details in the module.


Last Published Friday, March 29, 2024