Global change conditions

If statements control which project data changes. Then statements and Else statements specify the changes to be made. You can define an unlimited number of If, Then, or Else statements.

All global change specifications require at least one Then statement. If statements are optional. A Then statement with no If statement is applied to all activities in the current filter.

Multiple instances of global change specifications are not stored. When you choose Tools, Global Change, the last set of conditions you specified are the only ones available.

If statements

If statements define the conditions used to make changes to project data. When you define multiple If statements, link them by selecting All of the Following or Any of the Following. When you select All of the Following, data changes only if all If statement conditions are true. When you select Any of the Following, data changes if at least one of the If statement conditions are true.

Then statements

Then statements specify the changes to make to project data when the If conditions are satisfied. Multiple Then statements are run in the sequence you list them. If you want to set the Parameter/Value equal to a user-entered number, the second Parameter/Value field and the Operator field must be left blank.

Else statements

Else statements specify the changes to make to project data when the If conditions are not met. To specify an Else statement, you must define at least one If statement. If you want to set the Parameter/Value equal to a user-entered number, the second Parameter/Value field and the Operator field must be left blank.

Last Published Friday, October 4, 2024