Leveling priority definitions

Projects typically contain more than one chain of activities. If two activities from different chains are ready for leveling, P6 Professional chooses one using the priorities you specify in the Leveling Priorities area of the Level Resources dialog box. Then, it sorts numbers first, then alphabetic characters, followed by blank values. If you specify no prioritization codes, P6 Professional sorts by activity ID.

The following table defines your priority and order options for leveling resources.




Activity ID

Levels activities with lower IDs first.

Levels activities with higher IDs first.

Activity Priority

Levels lower priority activities first.

Levels higher priority activities first.

Early Finish

Levels activities with earlier, early finish dates first.

Levels activities with later, early finish dates first.

Early Start

Levels activities with earlier, early start dates first.

Levels activities with later, early start dates first.

Free Float

Levels activities with less free float, or more critical activities, first.

Levels activities with more free float, or less critical activities, first.

Late Finish

Levels activities with earlier, late finish dates first.

Levels activities with later, late finish dates first.

Late Start

Levels activities with earlier, late start dates first.

Levels activities with later, late start dates first.

Original or Planned Duration

Levels activities with shorter original or planned durations first.

Levels activities with longer original or planned durations first.

Planned Finish

Levels activities with earlier planned finish dates first.

Levels activities with later planned finish dates first.

Project Planned Start

Levels activities with earlier project planned start dates first.

Levels activities with later project planned start dates first.

Project Priority

Levels lower priority projects first.

Levels higher priority projects first.

Remaining Duration

Levels activities with shorter remaining durations first.

Levels activities with longer remaining durations first.

Total Float

Levels activities with less total float, or more critical activities, first.

Levels activities with more total float, or less critical activities, first.

Last Published Friday, October 4, 2024