Project Web sites

The Project Web Site layout enables you to both browse a project plan at a high level and quickly view more detailed information about specific activities, work products and documents, resources, and so on. The Project Web Site layout is divided into three panes. The upper pane contains a navigation toolbar that enables you to look at the various sections of the Web site. The left pane is the navigation pane; the right pane displays the specific details for project elements. Select the element you want to view in the left pane; the right pane displays detailed information about that element.

You can navigate a project Web site using the project's work breakdown structure (WBS), resource hierarchy, roles, work products and documents outline, activity codes, and issues. For example, visitors can select a resource in the left pane and view the resource's information and activity assignments in the right pane. Similarly, visitors can select a work product or document and view the document's details and WBS and activity assignments. The level of detailed information a visitor can view depends on the information you choose to publish.

You can also view reports, activity layouts, and tracking layouts in the project Web site. The list of reports or layouts appears in the left pane, and the report or layout itself is displayed in the right pane when you select it.

Last Published Friday, October 4, 2024