Using the HTML editor

The HTML editor enables you to add, edit, and format notes and descriptions for the selected data item. Using the editor, you can insert images, links, tables, bulleted lists, and numbered lists into notebook and description fields. You can also copy content from another source and paste it into the editor.

Accessing the HTML Editor

To display the HTML editor, go to one of the following locations in the module, then click Modify to open the editor.

Working with the HTML editor

The content you add or edit in the HTML editor appears in the description or notes area of the dialog box or tab from which you opened the editor. To save your changes and display them in the dialog box/tab, click OK in the editor. Your changes do not appear in the dialog box/tab until you click OK, which also closes the editor.

The HTML editor toolbar contains the following icons:



Opens the Font dialog box, in which you can select text font, style, size, and effects such as underlining and color.

Aligns the selected row or text in the center of the editor window.

Aligns the selected row or text on the left side of the editor window.

Aligns the selected row or text on the right side of the editor window.

Starts or ends a bulleted list in the selected row.

Starts or ends a numbered list in the selected row.

Outdents the selected row or text.

Indents the selected row or text.

Opens the Picture dialog box. In the dialog box, you can select the image you want to insert, type alternate text for the image, and set alignment, border, and spacing options.

Opens the Hyperlink dialog box, in which you can choose a web protocol and specify the appropriate URL.

Inserts a three-row by three-column table. You can not modify the number of rows or columns in the table.


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Last Published Friday, March 29, 2024