Add a threshold

  1. Choose Project, Thresholds.
  2. Click on the Edit toolbar or choose Edit, Add.
  3. To specify a threshold parameter, in the Threshold Parameter field on the General tab, click  . Select the parameter, then click the Select button.
  4. In the Lower Threshold and/or Upper Threshold fields, type a numeric value.

    To identify issues, project data is evaluated using a less than or equal to algorithm for the lower threshold value and a greater than or equal to algorithm for the upper threshold value. For example, to generate a Start Date Variance issue if an activity starts one or more days early or three or more days late, you would specify a lower threshold of –1 and an upper threshold of 3.
  5. To select the work breakdown structure (WBS) element you want to monitor for the new threshold, in the WBS to Monitor field, click  . Select the element, then click the Select button.
  6. In the Detail to Monitor field, select the level at which you want to monitor the WBS element.

    When Detail to Monitor is set to Activity, the threshold monitor will review activities belonging to the WBS element you specified, as well as the activities for all of its child WBS elements.
  7. To assign responsibility for the threshold's issues to a member of the OBS structure, in the Responsible Manager field, click  . Select the name of the manager, then click the Select button.
  8. To associate a tracking layout with the threshold's issues, in the Tracking Layout field, click  . Select the layout, then click the Select button.
  9. To assign a priority level to issues generated by the selected threshold, in the Issue Priority field, select a priority level.
  10. Click the Details tab.
  11. To specify the timeperiod during which you want to monitor the threshold, in the Monitor Time Window area From Date and To Date fields, click  . To specify a custom date, click the date in the calendar window, then click the Select button.

    The From Date and To Date values define a window in time for this threshold. Any activities/WBS elements whose start dates exceed the To Date or whose finish dates precede the From Date will not be reviewed by the threshold monitor and, therefore, will not generate any issues.

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Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024