Create a future period bucket planning layout

You can budget or plan future period resource/role assignments in any type of layout in the Resource Assignments and Activities windows. This topic contains some steps you might choose to follow when you create a layout to use for future period bucket planning. When you create a future period bucket planning layout, you should save the layout for future use.

1. Display editable future period bucket planning fields

You can enter future period budgeted or planned and remaining values in the Budgeted or Planned Units and Remaining (Early) Units fields in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet. To display these fields, click the Display Options bar and choose Spreadsheet Fields, Customize. Move the Budgeted or Planned Units and Remaining Early Units fields to the Selected Options list; you can also remove all other fields from the Selected Options list. Click Apply, OK. 


2. Display the Curve, Budgeted or Planned Units, and Remaining (Early) Units columns

When you manually enter a value in a future period bucket for an assignment, the module automatically enters a value of Manual in the assignment's associated Curve column. By displaying the Curve column, you can determine which assignments already have an assigned resource curve, or a defined manual curve. 

For assignments that do not have a defined total Budgeted or Planned Units or Remaining (Early) Units value, it is useful to display the Budgeted or Planned Units and Remaining (Early) Units columns. When you display these columns, you can enter or edit an assignment's total Budgeted or Planned or remaining units to spread the units evenly over the original or planned duration of the assignment, then manually modify the future period distribution as necessary.

To display these columns, click the Layout Options bar and choose Columns, Customize. Move the Curve, Budgeted or Planned Units, and Remaining (Early) Units columns to the Selected Options list, then modify the remaining columns. Click Apply, OK.

3. Adjust the timescale to reflect your planning periods

Adjust the timescale in the Resource Usage Spreadsheet to reflect the planning periods in which you typically plan future resource distribution. For example, if you plan your work in daily buckets, adjust the timescale to Week/Day and enter hourly planning unit values.


4. Logically group and sort data

Group and sort data in a way that enables you to easily identify resources/roles, the activities to which they are assigned, and the activities' associated projects (because the same activity name may appear in different projects). For example, you can group and sort the Resource Usage Spreadsheet by project and by resource.

5. Filter out activities you don't want to plan manually

If you are planning future period resource distribution for a project that has already started, you might choose to apply a filter to display only the activities you want to plan, such as activities that don't have an actual duration or that have a project planned start after the current date or data date.

Alternatively, if a project has already started and you want to update the remaining units for activities that are in progress, you could apply a filter to display only activities that have an Actual Start date and do not have an Actual Finish date.

Related Topics

Change a layout's timescale format

Group and sort resource assignments

Filter a tracking layout

Save a layout in the Activities or Resource Assignments window

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024