Customize the Activity Network layout

  1. Choose View, Activity Network, Activity Network Options.

    You can also click the Layout Options bar, then choose Activity Network, Activity Network Options.
  2. Click the Activity Network Layout tab.
  3. In the Organization Options section, specify how to organize the Activity Network layout:

    To align activity boxes towards the top of the Activity Network window in relation to their predecessors/successors, choose Organize Along the Top.

    To center activity boxes in relation to their predecessors/successors, choose Organize Centered.

    When an activity's predecessor/successor is not immediately adjacent to the activity in the Activity Network, the relationship line, in some cases, cannot be seen because of other activity boxes. To reposition the activity boxes so that all relationship lines are visible, mark the Adjust to Show All Relationships checkbox.

    To automatically zoom in/out each time you reorganize the layout to find the best fit for showing activity boxes in Activity Network, mark the Always Zoom to Best Fit After Reorganize checkbox.

    To view whether an activity has started or finished, mark the Show Progress checkbox.

    To change the vertical space between activity boxes in Activity Network, specify a vertical spacing factor.

    To change the horizontal space between activity boxes in Activity Network, specify a horizontal spacing factor.
  4. In the Network Order Options section, specify the order in which activity networks display:

    To display the activity networks with the longest path of linked activities on top, choose Longest on Top.

    To display the activity networks with the shortest path of linked activities on top, choose Shortest on Top.
  5. To preview your changes, click Apply.


Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024