Dissolve an activity

To dissolve an activity, you select the activity and then choose Edit, Dissolve.

Dissolving an activity removes the dissolved activity and joins the dissolved activity's predecessor and successor activities as well as possible to maintain the project's network logic, as explained here. You cannot dissolve an activity unless it has a predecessor and successor.

When an activity is dissolved, relationships are made as follows:

The same principle applies to any other successor activities to B.

So, for example, the following activities have the following relationships:

Activity A is linked to Activity B using SF

Activity B is linked to Activity C using FF

Activity B is linked to Activity D using a FS

Activity B is linked to Activity E using SF

Activity B is linked to Activity F using SS

When you dissolve Activity B, the following occurs:

Activity A is linked to Activity C using SF

Activity A is linked to Activity D using SS

Activity A is linked to Activity E using SF

Activity A is linked to Activity F using SS

By default, any lag applied to relationships with the dissolved activity is removed and the new relationships created have zero lag. However, you can select Retain lag on the Calculations tab of User Preferences if you would prefer to keep the lag applied to predecessor and successor relationships when you dissolve an activity. If you choose to retain lag, the lag from the predecessor relationship is added to the lag from the successor relationship and applied to the new relationship.

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024