Layout Toolbar

Use the Layout toolbar to customize the layout of the active window and to access user preferences. This toolbar is displayed by default.

The following table provides information about each available icon on the toolbar.



Displays by default?

Enabled when active window is:

Corresponding menu command

Opens the New Layout dialog box. Use the New Layout dialog box to create a custom tracking layout.



View > Layout > New

Opens the Open Layout dialog box. Use the Open Layout dialog box to select and display a different layout, and to import and export layouts.


Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, WBS, Tracking

View > Layout > Open

Saves the currently displayed layout.


Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Work Breakdown Structure, Tracking

View > Layout > Save

Saves the currently displayed layout as a new layout.


Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Work Breakdown Structure, Tracking

View > Layout > Save As

Opens the Bars dialog box. Use the Bars dialog box to specify the style and labels for the bars in a Gantt Chart.

This icon is enabled when you display a Gantt Chart in the active window.


Activities, Projects, Tracking, Work Breakdown Structure

View > Bars

Enables you to select a predefined column layout or to customize the columns that display in the active window. The available options vary for each window. To customize columns, click the icon, then choose Customize.

This icon is enabled when you display a table view in the active window.


All except Reports

View > Columns

Opens the Timescale dialog box. Use the Timescale dialog box to specify the timescale you want to display in the current Gantt Chart, profile, or spreadsheet layout.


Activities, Projects, Resource Assignments, Tracking, Work Breakdown Structure

View > Timescale

Enables you to select a predefined filter or to create a custom filter. The available options vary for each window. To create a custom filter, click the icon, then choose Customize.


All except Work Breakdown Structure and Project Expenses

View > Filter By

Enables you to select a predefined grouping and sorting option, or to specify your own grouping and sorting criteria. The available options vary for each window. To customize grouping and sorting, click the icon, then choose Customize.



View > Group and Sort By

Numbers each row in the Activities view.

This icon is enabled when you display an Activity table, Gantt Chart, or Activity Usage Spreadsheet in the active window.



View > Line Numbers

Opens the Table, Font and Row dialog box. Use the Table Font and Row dialog box to change the appearance of text, color, and the height of rows in your display. The available options vary for each window.



View > Table Font and Row

Opens the User Preferences dialog box. Use the User Preferences dialog box to specify your settings and preferences, including how to display time, date, and currency information. You can also set options to send email, specify startup options, and change your password.



Edit > User Preferences


Related Topics

Customizing toolbars

Tracking layouts

Open a layout

Open a tracking layout

Save a layout in the Activities or Resource Assignments window

Save a layout in the Projects or Work Breakdown Structure window

Change a layout's timescale format

Filtering data

Add line numbers

Define user preferences

Last Published Friday, October 4, 2024