Project Gantt/Profiles

In the Tracking window, a Project Gantt/Profile displays columns of project data on the left side of the Top Layout window, along with a corresponding Gantt Chart to the right. The Bottom Layout window shows time-distributed cost or unit data rolled up to WBS summary levels—these data are displayed as either a profile or spreadsheet.

You can hide the Bottom or Top Layout window and/or the columns displayed to the left of the Top and Bottom Layout windows and you can customize the various elements of a Project Gantt/Profile.

For column data, you can specify which columns are included; group, sort, and filter the data; and show grand totals and/or only summary data.

In the Gantt Chart, you can specify the data you want a bar to represent, for example actual or forecast values, and specify the bar color, shape, pattern, and label. For the spreadsheet, you can select the time-distributed fields you want to view. Profile settings enable you to choose whether to display cost or unit data; display actual to date or past period actual values; filter labor, nonlabor, material, and/or expense data; define bars/curves to depict baseline, actual, and/or remaining values by date or cumulatively; and display earned value curves cumulatively. You can also define various profile display options, such as bar and line color.

For the Gantt Chart, profile, and spreadsheet, you can determine the timeperiod and increments for which you want to view data by specifying a timescale and date format. For example, you might elect to view a six-month range of actual values, time-distributed on a scale that uses fiscal year/month increments.

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024