Reports Toolbar

Use the Reports toolbar to run, modify, import, and export reports, and to create report groups and batches.

By default, this toolbar is not displayed.

The following table provides information about each available icon on the toolbar.



Enabled when active window is:

Corresponding menu command

Opens the Run Report dialog box. Use the Run Report dialog box to compile and print the selected report.

This icon is enabled when you select a report.


Right-click on a report, then choose Run > Report.

Opens the Run Batch dialog box. Use the Run Batch dialog box to compile and print the selected report batch.


Right-click in the Reports window, then choose Run > Batch.

Opens the Report Editor window, if the selected report was previously modified using the Report Editor. If the selected report has not been previously modified using the Report Editor, you are prompted to confirm that you want to use the Report Editor to modify it.

The Report Editor enables you to create highly customized reports. You can use the Report Editor to modify reports that you create in the Report Wizard and to create new reports. If you modify a wizard report in the Report Editor, when you reopen the report in the wizard, you lose all of the modifications made in the Report Editor.

This icon is enabled when you select a report.


Right-click on a report, then choose Modify.

Opens the Import Report dialog box. Use the Import Report dialog box to specify how you want to import a report from another P6 EPPM or P6 Professional application.


Right-click on a report, then choose Import.

Opens the Save As dialog box. Use the Save As dialog box to export and save the report to a file location you specify.

This icon is enabled when you select a report.


Right-click on a report, then choose Export.

Starts the Report Wizard. Use the Report Wizard to create new reports and modify existing wizard reports.

Tip: To create a new report using the Report Wizard, in the Reports window, click on the Edit toolbar.


Tools > Report Wizard

Opens the Report Groups dialog box. Use the Report Groups dialog box to define report groups for organizing your global and project reports.


Tools > Reports > Report Groups

Opens the Batch Reports dialog box. Use the Batch Reports dialog box to define report batches for running global and project reports.


Tools > Reports > Batch Reports


Related Topics

Customizing toolbars

Show or hide toolbars

Edit Toolbar

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024