Resource Analysis layouts

A Resource Analysis tracking layout displays time-distributed project data and resource usage data in several formats. In the Top and Bottom Layout windows, you can display resource usage data for one or more resources you select in the Resource Explorer window. You can choose to display resource usage data as either a profile or spreadsheet. In the Top Layout window, you can display a Gantt Chart for one or more individual EPS elements you select in the Project Explorer window.

You can review resource allocation for one or more selected EPS elements and you can review total allocation for all projects across the enterprise. The Top Layout window displays the selected resource's allocation for one or more individual EPS elements you select in the Project Explorer window. The Bottom Layout window displays the selected resource's allocation for all projects in the enterprise. You can click the Display Options bar in the Resource Explorer window to specify whether you want to display resource information in role or resource view.

When you display the Gantt Chart in the Top Layout window, or the resource spreadsheet in either window, additional project data are displayed in column format to the left of the chart or spreadsheet. You can specify which columns are included; group, sort, and filter the data; and show grand totals and/or only summary data. You can also choose to hide the columns and/or the Bottom or Top Layout windows.

In the Gantt Chart, you can specify the data you want a bar to represent, for example, current or forecast values, and specify the bar color, shape, pattern, and label. For the spreadsheet, you can select the time-distributed fields you want to view. Profile settings enable you to choose whether to display cost or unit data and to define bars/curves to depict the values by date or cumulatively. You can choose additional profile data options, such as displaying overallocation, and define various profile display options, such as bar and curve color. You can also display a stacked histogram in the Bottom Layout window that displays the profile using different colors and patterns on bars to represents usage from different resources.

For the Gantt Chart, profile, and spreadsheet, you can determine the timeperiod and increments for which you want to view data by specifying a timescale and date format. For example, you might elect to view a six-month range of actual values, time-distributed on a scale that uses fiscal year/month increments.

Related Topics

Resource Explorer window

Last Published Friday, October 4, 2024