The Resource Usage Profile

Use the Resource Usage Profile to analyze quantity or cost usage for resources or roles. You can view a resource's or role's cost and quantity data for a specific project or for all projects across the enterprise (total allocation).

Define the profile to specify whether you want to display cost or quantity information and set the timescale for displaying data values. Choose to display past period actual or actual to date values in bars and curves. Choose to display vertical bars to represent costs or units allocated to your resources for each timeperiod, and include cumulative curves to represent accumulated units and costs over time.

Use the Resource Usage Profile to

In addition to customizing data, you can customize the look of the profile by specifying display options, for example, bar color, background line type, or averaging. You can also save a customized profile so that you can always access the same set of activity information or share the Resource Usage Profile with someone else.

The Resource Usage Profile is available only in the bottom layout of the Activities window. The bottom layout window is divided into two panes.


When connected to a P6 Professional database: If you have administrator rights, to ensure that activity and resource data is summarized by financial period when you summarize projects, choose Admin, Admin Preferences, select the Options tab, then mark the 'By financial periods' checkbox.

When connected to a P6 EPPM database: If you have administrator rights, to ensure that activity and resource data is summarized by financial period when you summarize projects, use the application Settings, General link in P6, then mark the 'By financial periods' checkbox.

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Last Published Friday, October 4, 2024