Updating progress

If activities are progressing on schedule, you might choose P6 Professional to estimate progress for all activities as of the new data date you specify. P6 Professional can quickly apply actuals to activity dates, and calculate actual duration and units when you use the Update Progress dialog box to update activities.

Estimating activity progress is a quick and convenient way to update your project. P6 Professional estimates progress only for those activities that were supposed to take place. Since progress can occur on activities out of sequence, you may need to update additional activities—especially if you selected activities by dragging the data-date line or by using the Progress Spotlight feature (View, Progress Spotlight). Once you spotlight activities, you can quickly update the project automatically as "on time."

When you use Update Progress to progress activities, P6 Professional will apply actual dates to the activities that should have started and finished, update the actual and remaining durations, and update the remaining units according to the new data date.

You can update progress automatically once you set the appropriate Auto Computer Actuals options. Choose Tools, Apply Actuals.

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024