Using Reflection projects and Activity Owner features to collect and review activity status (P6 EPPM Only)

The Reflection project and Activity Owner features can be used together to collect and review activity progress information from project team members who are not assigned as activity resources.

A Reflection project is a copy of an active project that can be used for what-if analysis. However, unlike a standard what-if project, a Reflection offers the capability to review all changes and specify which, if any, should be merged into the active source project.

An Activity Owner who has Contributor module access (defined in P6) and the required security privileges can update the activity's status and other details in P6. By offering an Activity Owner OBS access to a Reflection project, rather than its associated active source project, Project Managers can collect the data they require and have the ability, through a review process, to ensure data integrity for the active project.

To implement these activity status reporting and review capabilities, do the following:


Related Topics

Designating an activity owner (P6 EPPM Only)

Create a Reflection

Merging a Reflection with the Source project

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024