Using CSV File to Import Attachments

You can use a CSV template file to import attachments into Unifier, when you are creating a BP Record, or Line Item.

Note: To prevent receiving error messages, do not change the contents or structure of an exported CSV file.


There are 20 line items in a single record (Line Item type BP) and each line has an attachment. You can use a CSV template to include the names of all the attachments (for that single record) and import, or upload, all the attachments into Unifier.

For details on how to import a CSV file back into Unifier, see Importing CSV File into Unifier.

The last column of the CSV template is a placeholder for the file names of the attachment (the file that you want to attach to the BP Record, or Line Item). If you have more than one file to attach, you can enter the names of each attachment separated by a colon (:), for example, Attachment1.pdf:Attachment2.pdf:Attachment3.pdf.

If you enter the same name in the Attachment cell twice, the system ignores the duplicate and only uploads a single file.

If there is no data in the placeholder column of the CSV template file that is getting uploaded, then the system processes the CSV template upload as a file without any attachment.

If you keep two attachments with the same name in the CSV file, then the system attaches the same two attachments to all the Item Lines referencing that name.

If you upload a file twice, then the system overwrites the attachment that is present in the review section.

The Attachment section of the CSV upload wizard lists attachments that are ready for upload (Ready to be uploaded). As you keep uploading the attachments on the Attachment section, the status of the files keep changing to Ready to be uploaded.

Note: For security, the Company Administrators can specify the list and size of files that can be uploaded to the Company Properties page, by users and per company policy. Contact your Company Administrator for more information.

When comparing strings, the leading or trailing space ("white space" at the end of a line) will be ignored by the system. The following is an example. Note the presence or absence of space in the example:

Upload CSV and Add Attachments

When the Upload CSV wizard opens, you can select the file manually (Add) or choose to drag the file onto the page. After uploading the CSV file, click Next to go to the Add Attachments page.

Note: After you upload the required files, the status of each file changes to Ready to be Uploaded.

For BP Record import

For Line Item import

The CSV file attachment process starts when you click Upload, in the Add Attachments window. If there are any validation errors, the system displays a pop-up window after you click Next on the Upload CSV page window.

For Document-type BP

For Text-type BP

Blocked file extension

The system prevents uploading of file attachments with blocked extensions, as configured by your Site Administrator (System Administrator).

Audit log

Last Published Friday, June 21, 2024