E-Signature Log

To access the E-Signatures log, go to your project and click E-Signatures node in the left Navigator.

The E-Signatures log has the following tools, options, and columns:

E-Signatures log toolbar




The function is similar to the View option available in several other logs. The options are:

  • All
  • Group By Status
  • Create New View
  • Manage Views

Edit View

The function is similar to the Edit View option available in several other logs.

You can use this option to edit the current view (Active View).


Select one or more tasks and delete.

You cannot delete incomplete tasks (tasks with Status set as In-Progress).

If you delete a completed task, the E-signatures log (in Document Manager and within a BP record) displays the Status.


The function is similar to the Print option available in several other logs. The options are:

  • Print
  • Export to CSV
  • Export to Excel


Click to open the Search window at the bottom of the page.

You can search inside all the columns available in the E-Signatures log.

Find on Page

The function is similar to the Find on Page option available in several other logs.

E-Signatures log columns




The name of the document that has been sent for E-Signature.

The column displays the file-type (extension) along with the name.

Note: Since DocuSign converts all files to .pdf, the extension will always be .pdf in this column.


The name of the user who initiated the Send for E-Signature action (from the Document Manager or from within a BP record).


The status of the E-Signature task:

In-Progress: When assignee has not yet taken any action on the signature task. The default Status of any E-Signature task.

Completed: When assignee opens the E-Signature task through DocuSign, and clicks Continue in the resulting window. The system populates the DocuSign fields, available on the left, (Signature, Initial, Date Signed, Name, First Name, Last Name, and so on). Assignee clicks Finish at the top to complete the signing.

Declined: When assignee opens the E-Signature task and selects the option Decline to Sign.

Recalled: The E-Signature task for all signers who have not yet completed the E-Signing process are recalled.

If an E-Signature task has been created by way of Send for E-Signature action (from the Document Manager), sent to multiple signers, and at least one signer declined the task, or

If an E-Signature task has been created by way of Send for E-Signature action (from within a BP record) and that BP record reaches a Terminal status.

In such cases, when a user opens a task, the system displays an alert indicating that the Status is set to Recalled, and the Completion Date is set to the date when the task was recalled.


The subject of the Send for E-Signature message.

Document Location

If the document was sent for signature from the Document Manager, then this column displays the Document location in the Document Manager, for example: ... /Field Reports/Action Items.

If the document was sent for signature from a BP record, then this column displays the BP record number.

Received Date

The date when the Send for E-Signature task was received by the assignee.

The default sort for this column is Received Date with latest received task at the top.

Completion Date

The date when the E-Signature task reaches a Terminal state (Status = Completed, Declined, Recalled).

E-Signatures log right pane

When you open the E-Signatures log, the top row item is selected by default, and the right pane of the E-Signatures log displays the following tabs:




Displays a preview of the document that has been sent for signature.

If the E-Signature task is in either of following statuses, this pane displays a preview of the original document that was sent for E-signature:

  • In-Progress
  • Declined
  • Recalled

If the E-Signature task is in a Completed status, then this pane displays a preview of the signed document.

E-Sign log

Displays a list of all internal and external users to whom a given document (from the Document Manager or from within a BP record) was sent for signature through the Send for E-Signature.

The toolbar options enable you to:

Print: Print documents

Download: To download the latest signed copy of the document.

The columns are:

Signer: The name of the user who must sign, or has signed, the document. If an internal user, then the cell contains the user's first and last names. If an external user, then the cell contains the user's email address.

Sign Status: The e-signature status of the document for the signer. It can be: Delivered, Completed, Declined, or Recalled.

Initiated Date: The date when the document was sent for e-signature. This can be the date that an action was initiated by an internal user using the Sign option from the gear menu ( ).

Completion Date: The date when the e-signature task has reached a Terminal state (Status = Completed, Declined, Reassigned, Recalled). If a signer (internal or external) declines an e-signature task, you can see the reason by clicking the signer's entry and opening the Reason for Decline block at the bottom of the tab.


Displays the message sent by the sender, when sending the document for signature through the Send for E-Signature.

E-Signature Log (declining an E-Signature)

If a signee declines an E-signature request, then the E-Signature log captures the E-Signature status as Declined. When the E-Signature Status = Declined, then the tooltip (triggered by placing the pointer on the status), or the gear menu ( ), displays the reason for decline.

When you select an E-Signature request from the E-Signatures node, you can see the E-Signatures log in the right pane (E-Sign Log). The log contains the:

When you hover over a row in the E-Signatures log, the gear menu ( ) appears and enables you to perform the following on a task:

When you double-click a row in the E-Signatures log, the sent document opens in the entity that provides electronic signature technology (DocuSign or Adobe Sign). Follow the prompts and when done click Finish to close the application (DocuSign or Adobe Sign).

After you finish signing a document, the E-Signatures log gets updated and the status changes to: Completed. At this stage, Unifier updates the E-Signatures log of the module (Document Manager or BP record) where the document was sent from and changes the status to: Completed. This update process also applies to the Completion Date.

Last Published Friday, June 21, 2024