Unifier User Interface

The user interface has both static and dynamic elements.

The following image displays the static elements of the user interface, and the explanation for each static element follows.

This image displays the default user interface on the home page.

Unifier User Interface Header

The header section of the interface contains the following elements, from left to right:

You may see the Upload Status icon () appear next to the Announcements icon. This happens when there are documents pending to be uploaded. In general, when you go to the Document Manager grouping node (for example, Company Workspace or Administration tabs > Document Manager where you can upload multiple documents), you can see the Upload Status icon on top. The color of this icon changes depending on the upload status. You can click Clear to remove this icon.

Unifier User Interface Location Bar

The location bar at the top of the interface contains the following elements, from left to right:


Unifier User Interface Left Navigation

The left Navigator (also known as the left Sidebar or left Navigation) lists all the nodes that are available for a company or project/shell.

Note: Your Navigator setup may differ, but the basic functionality will be the same.

Your company administrator can configure the User Mode Navigator (Company Workspace > Admin mode > Configuration > User Mode Navigator) to suit the company business needs, such as by creating additional nodes to store business process records, renaming nodes, and so on.

Every node, feature, and record can be accessed by way of the Navigator, which is always available in the left pane of the screen. The Navigator is similar to a folder system, much like a network drive. Each feature is stored in its own "functional node," similar to a folder, and some nodes may be stored in "grouping nodes" that organize functional nodes based on their properties. Each functional node is controlled by permissions. If you do not see a feature in the Navigator, contact your project/shell Administrator or Company Administrator to verify that you have been assigned the proper access permissions.

As you access different nodes on the left Navigator, the Navigator remains available on the left of the screen, while the content frame on the right changes.

Unifier User Interface Screen Adjustments

The screen adjustments section of the interface contains the following elements, from left to right:

Use the Expand Navigation or Collapse Navigation icons at the bottom of the Navigator pane to expand or collapse all the nodes (modules) in the Navigator.

Unifier User Interface Log

This right pane displays all the information pertaining to the nodes (or modules) that are available for a company or project/shell. The right pane houses the logs. Additional functions are available from the options and links at various parts of the logs.

On top, below the company and project/shell tabs, the locator links (breadcrumbs) are displayed. The locator links:

Click the drop-down arrow of a locator link (breadcrumb) to reveal the direct children or sub-shells of that location.

Even if you do not have permission to access a shell, the shell name appears in the breadcrumb trail.

See the following topics for details on each static element, listed above.

The following topics display the dynamic elements of the Unifier user interface, and the explanation for each dynamic element follows.

Note: The following screen captures are examples of a typical Unifier dynamic user interface and might not be identical to the version that you are using.

In This Section

Analytics Page

Home Workspace

Company Workspace

Shell or Project


Change Password

Proxy For

Sign Out


Master Log-Business Processes

Last Published Friday, June 21, 2024