Searching in Managers Logs
Most manager logs, including Configurable Modules logs, display a static Search window to enable you to find information. See Searching and Finding: Search Option for more details.
The Document Manager and Shell work differently and are explained separately. See the following sections for details:
In most manager logs, you will be searching for Sheets.
The following managers use the Classic Find button:
- Resource Manager
- Schedule Manager
To search in most manager logs:
- Go to the Company Workspace tab or the project/shell tab where the manager resides.
- In the left Navigator, select the manager grouping node you want to search. The manager expands to list functional sub-nodes.
- If there are functional sub-nodes in the left Navigator, select the functional sub-node you want to search.
- From the toolbar, click Search.
The system displays a Search window. The window will display different fields, depending on how the manager has been designed.
- Enter your search criteria and click Apply (or press Enter on your keyboard). The system displays all the items that meet the search criteria you entered.
Last Published Wednesday, December 4, 2024