Configuring a Shell Dashboard (My Dashboard)

All shells have a dashboard that the end-user can configure if they have Setup permission.

The dashboard is the user's personal dashboard, with their personally configured view of shell data. In User mode, you can use the My Dashboard > Edit Dashboard option to configure your dashboard window; however, for each user, the dashboard is often configured by the Administrator. Users can select this type of dashboard to view from the View Dashboard drop-down list on each shell. This dashboard is recommended if the user wants a personalized dashboard to view data that they specifically need to see regarding the shell.

To configure a shell dashboard (My Dashboard):

  1. From the shell landing page, click My Dashboard.
  2. Click Edit Dashboard to open the Edit Dashboard window.

    There are two sections to this window: Tab Setup and Source Details. Under Tab Setup, the default first tab already has a name and layout that you can modify.

  3. To change the tab, click the tab name. Change the tab name, and select a layout for the tab. You can experiment with layouts to see which one works with the information that you want to display.
  4. Select the Show check box to show the tab in the dashboard.

    Under Source Details, you can add standard or custom blocks. Double-click to select a default standard block and modify it as needed.

    To add a standard block:

  5. Click Add > Standard. You can add any number of blocks, but the dashboard displays the blocks based on the tab layout you select. See the first table below.
  6. Click OK to save your changes and exit the Edit Standard Block window.
  7. To add a custom block, click Add > Custom. See the second table below.
  8. Click OK to save your changes and exit the Edit Custom Block window.
  9. To add a portlet, click Add > Portlet. Enter the portlet name and the URL or IP address.
  10. This allows you to add content to your dashboard from a URL address. For example, you could use this portlet to specify a webcam site to monitor activities via a live camera. You can add as many portlets as needed.
  11. You can define a block that allows users to drill down into the displayed data.

    Note: You must add drilldown blocks if you want to use filtering on your dashboard blocks.

  12. After you define the drilldown, you can also add filters.
  13. To remove a block, click Remove. To reposition a block, click Move Up or Move Down.
  14. Click another tab name to modify the tabs and sources for that tab. Repeat these steps for each tab until you have configured the entire dashboard to meet your needs.
  15. Click Apply to save your configuration, and then click OK to close the window.

Use the following table for Standard blocks.

In this field

Do this

Source Name

Enter a source name.

Data Type

  • Select a data type. The data types are:
  • Business Process: general business process information
  • Document Management: total documents
  • Active Task Information: Active task metrics
  • Users: Metrics by Company
  • Image: shell image
  • Items Requiring Your Attention: items such as tasks and messages
  • Details: Shell details, such as shell number and name
  • Links: Links configured for the shell
  • <specific business processes> : details on selected business processes, such as record status and tasks

Report On

Select what to report on.

Block Title

Add a title for this block.

Display Type

Select the chart type.

Show Result

Choose Actual Value or Percent of Total.

Show Total

Select this check box to display the total.

Decimal Places

Select the number of decimal places.

Use 1000 Separator (,)

Select this check box to use the comma as a 1000 separator.

Negative Number Format

Select the format for negative numbers.

Currency Format

Choose None, Shell Currency, or Base Currency.

Use the following table for Custom blocks.

This item

Does this

Data Cube

Select the shell Data Cube definition to use. Data Cubes are queries that can be defined and reused to create charts on your dashboard. Your company administrator defines the Data Cubes.

If the Data Cube is based on the Date Picker, which indicates the date and time that the relevant data was updated, the dashboard adjusts this information based on your date/time format preference and time zone. If the Data Cube is based on the Date Only picker, the dashboard displays only the date and adjusts it based on your date format preference.

Show data from

Enables you to select the shells to use as data sources. You can choose:

  • Current Shell Only
  • Subshells Only
  • Current Shell and Sub-shells

Block Title

Add a title for this block.

Display Type

Select the chart type.

Source Grouped By

Select how the source is grouped.

Output Type

Choose either Record Count or Summary Value.

Report On

Select what to report on.

Show Result

Choose Actual Value or Percent of Total.

Show Total

Select this check box to display the total.

Decimal Places

Select the number of decimal places.

Use 1000 Separator (,)

Select this check box to use the comma as a 1000 separator.

Negative Number Format

Select the format for negative numbers.

Currency Format

Choose None, Shell Currency, or Base Currency.

Last Published Friday, June 21, 2024