Active User Tasks

The Task Reassignment - Active User Tasks log lists records that are in progress (the tasks are considered "active" because the workflow has not completed yet) for active users.

Active users include:

Active tasks are where the active user is an assignee and the record has not reached the terminal step. This means that the previous user no longer sees the task in the log but because of a previous action taken by the previous user, the task still appears in the log. The reasons for this appearing in the log are as follows:

Task Reassignment - Active User Tasks (toolbar options)




To open the Select New Assignee window and search for an Active user by using the person's name or company.

You can select one or more tasks and click Reassign.


This option lets you view the following pre-defined views:

  • All Tasks
  • Group by Assignee
  • Group by Origin
  • Group by Business Process
  • Reassignment History (For more information, see the Reassignment History description in Views.)
  • Create New View
  • Manage Views

You can use the Create New View option to define user-specific views.


To refresh the items listed in the log.


To print or export the items listed in the log, based on the current view of the log.

Edit View

To view and edit the settings of items listed in the log.

Use the View Name field to enter a name for your new view.

Use the Columns tab to:

  • Determine which columns to display: Available Columns
  • Select the columns: Selected Columns
  • Lock the columns in place: Lock after selected Column

Use the Filters tab to:

  • Determine the field for your filter: Field
  • Indicate the operator for your filter: Operator
  • Include any values: Value
  • Determine the number of records that you want to be displayed: Number of Records

Use the Group By tab to:

  • Group the list based on the options available from the drop-down list.
  • Adjust the order of your list: Order

Use the Sort By tab to sort items according to:

  • Previous assignee
  • New assignee
  • Origin
  • Business Process
  • Record Number
  • Reassigned on

Click Cancel to discard your changes and return to the log.

Click Apply to apply your changes to the view.

Click Save As to save an existing view with another name.

Search / Find on Page

To filter the log for specific results.

Task Reassignment - Active User Tasks (columns)

Column Heading



Name of the inactive user assignee.


Company name of the inactive user.


The source. The source can be project, shell, or company tab name.

Business Process

Name of the business process.

Record Number

The record number


The title.

Record Due

The due date for the record.

Creation Date

The creation date for the task.

Workflow Name

The workflow name.

Last Published Tuesday, October 8, 2024