
Note: The following information is based on the default settings and typical use of the system.

There are different types, or levels, of administrators and they include:

The following explains each administrator type in detail.

Site Administrator (also referred to as the System Administrator)

A Site Administrator is responsible for the end-to-end administration.

Note: For cloud customers, the Oracle Primavera Technical Team performs the Site Administrator function. For on-premises customers, the customer performs the Site Administrator function.

The Site Administrator's tasks include:

Company Administrator

Generally, a Company Administrator administers the Owner Company (Sponsor Company) functions. For more information about an Owner Company, see User Administration.

The Company Administrator can also perform user tasks.

Note: Except where noted, the Company Administrator cannot perform tasks designated for the Site Administrator.

A Company Administrator typically performs the following tasks, depending on the permission:

In the system, you can have multiple company administrators.

The Company Administrator group, which can contain multiple company administrators, is automatically created when the Owner Company (Sponsor Company) is created.

This Company Administrator group has preset permissions. These permissions can be changed as needed.


Project Administrator or Shell Administrator (Project/Shell Administrator)

Project/Shell Administrators manage project/shell-level administration tasks. A project/shell administrator will add existing users to projects and/or project/shell groups, restrict access within specific projects, set up the project/shell cost/funding/Schedule of Value (SOV)/schedule sheets, and set up business processes. Project/Shell Administrators typically:

To access company administration functions, see Company Workspace Landing Page (Admin).

Last Published Friday, June 21, 2024