Access Company Details (Edit Company Window)

Company detail information is managed in the Edit Company window (also known as the Company Properties window).

To access the window:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the toolbar, click File and select Open.

    The Edit Company window has the following tabs:

    • General: Use this tab to manage several company features, which are described in the next topic. The fields with red asterisks are required.
    • Address: Use this tab to enter up to seven company addresses. There must be at least one address entered for the company headquarters.
    • Security: Use this tab to set up a file security policy and a password/login policy that your users must follow after they sign into the system.
    • Contact: Use this tab to maintain support contact and e-Learning access information for your users. The information entered here appears in the Support window (Contact tab). To access the Support window, click Help in the upper-right corner of the Unifier window, and select Contact Support from the menu.
    • E-Signatures: Use this tab to manage the default e-signature type, DocuSign setup or Adobe Acrobat Sign (Adobe Sign) setup, to use these digital E-signature solutions within Unifier documents.
    • Outgoing E-mails: Use this tab to specify the size (in megabyte [MB]) of attachments allowed in each outgoing email.

In This Section

Edit Company (General Tab)

Edit Company (Address Tab)

Edit Company (Security Tab)

Edit Company (Contact Tab)

Edit Company (E-Signatures Tab)

Edit Company (Outgoing E-mails Tab)

Last Published Friday, June 21, 2024