Importing Configuration Packages

When a configuration package is imported into the destination environment, the items in the Component Lists that have been modified override (replace) the existing items in the destination environment, if they exist in the destination environment.

There are cases that require the new configuration package not to override (replace) the existing items in the destination environment.


In the Production environment, a user changes the:

In this case, the user does not want those values to be replaced when a new configuration package is imported.

You (the Administrator) can define whether certain types of elements in the Component Lists of the configuration package can override (replace) the existing items in the destination environment, if they exist in the destination environment. As a result, when you import a configuration package, you can see the following after the import:

For more information, see Replace in Destination Column (Import and Export).

To import Configuration Packages:

  1. To activate the Configuration Package Import wizard, click Import.
  2. Select a valid zip file and click Next.

    After you click Next and reach the Package Details step, the system displays the package components from the selected zip file.

    Only the components available in the zip file are displayed in the Package Details preview.


    If the user selected a zip file (with categories Designs, Analytics, and Configuration), the Package Components preview displays the following Categories:

    • Designs
    • Configuration
    • Analytics

    Because the configuration includes component Business Process, Business Process components are displayed under Configuration.

    The Designs node will also have separate sub node Published Designs to show the published designs coming in as part of the configuration file. The Group sub node will also appear in the categories Shell Templates and Single Instance Shells. For Groups, the column that will be seen is the Name where the group name should be seen.

    There will be a filter option available that lets you filter data for search for every column. The print option prints the consolidated report based on the user selected components.

    In the Package Details preview, the Status column is displayed for all the components with the following indicators:

    • Add: When imported successfully, the component will be added in the destination environment.
    • Update: When imported successfully, the component will be updated in the destination environment.
    • No Change: When imported successfully, there will be no changes applied to the component in the destination environment.
  3. If you want to compare components, such as BP design in the new package to those currently deployed in the destination environment, click Compare With Previous Version in the toolbar.

    The After Import Status column is displayed for the applicable components, such as BP designs, with the following indicators:

    • Added: The component does not exist in the current environment and will be added if the import is successful.
    • Updated: The component exists in the current environment and will be modified if the import is successful.
    • No Change: The component exists in the current environment and in the package, but there will be no changes applied to the component in the destination environment.
  4. When you are ready, click Next in the Package Components step to go to the User Mapping step.
    • The system extracts the following information, for user mapping:
      • Shell administrator.
      • Auto Creator for Business Process records or line items.
      • BP Auto Creator in the BP Setup.
    • For other component where users/groups are assigned, for example, Workflow Setup, Access Control, column restrictions in Cost Sheet, or Portfolio Manager:
      • If all assignees are Groups, the Groups will be extracted.
      • If the assignees are a mix of users and groups, only the groups will be extracted and the users will be ignored.
      • (Portfolio Manager) If the assignees is a list of users only, during error check, the system displays an error message instructing you to include at least one group.
    • The other creator users for components that the user does not select or cannot be changed, for example, creator of Cost sheet, then those creator users are replaced with the user who is performing the import.
    • When performing import for the first time in the destination environment, by default, the destination login name (present in the destination environment) is displayed in the column for users who are present in the environment. The destination login name will be empty for users who are not present in the environment.
    • The last entered values for the User Mapping (from the last import) will be remembered in the same environment. The system auto-populates the last User Mapping values after the user reaches the User Mapping step.
    • You can enter the mapping details.
    • You can edit the destination login name for any value.
    • You can map different imported users to the same user in the destination environment.

      Note: Although group name and the group permission are available, the members of the group cannot be extracted.

  5. When you are done with the User Mapping step, click Next to go to the Import step.
  6. In the Import step, select or deselect the option to download the impact analysis report.

    If you deselect this option, you can download the impact analysis report later using the gear menu ( ) in the Configuration Package log.

  7. If applicable, select the Do you want to create a Component List associated to the package option.

  8. When you are ready to import the configuration package, click Import .

    Note: If you selected the Do you want to create a Component List associated to the package option, the list might not appear in the Component Lists window immediately after the configuration package is imported. However, you can right-click the Component Lists functional node and select Reload to view the list.

In This Section

Configuration Package Report and Audit Log

Conditions for User Mapping in Configuration Package

Configuration Packages Import Rules

Impact Analysis Report

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024