Add a Cost Sheet Column at Company Level

This general procedure can be used for adding columns is the same whether you are adding columns to a cost sheet (project/shell or company level), a cost sheet template, or a worksheet.

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, select Templates, and then select Cost Sheets to open the Cost Templates log.
  3. Select a cost template from the log.
  4. Click the gear menu ( ) next to the cost template and click open.
  5. Form the toolbar options, click Add Column (the icon with three vertical lines) to open the New Column window.
  6. Complete the fields as described below.
  7. Click:
    1. Cancel to discard your changes
    2. Save to save your changes
    3. Save & Add New to save your changes and begin to add a new column.

In this field:

Do this:


The name you choose will appear as the column header on the Project or Shell Cost Sheet. If you leave the Name field blank, the selection you make in the Datasource field will automatically populate the Name field.


Cost Sheet columns can be of the following types:

  • From Business Process: Data is rolled up automatically from cost type business processes when the BP reaches the specified status (Business process transaction column).
  • Direct Entry: Users can enter data directly to the sheet through line item or direct entries. Custom data sources can be applied to these columns to allow project/shell cost data to roll up to company cost sheets, and be reportable through user-defined reports (Manual entry column).
  • Line Item Content
  • From Worksheet
  • From Activity Sheet
  • Formula: The column values are calculated based on a formula that normally includes values from other columns. For example, if there are multiple cost type business processes affecting the sheet, you may want to have a column that shows the sum of all of them ("Total Commits"). Custom data sources can be applied to these columns to enable them to roll up to company cost sheets, and be reportable (Formula column).


All columns must be associated with a data source. The data source that you choose will determine which of the following options are available. The types of Data sources available are:

  • Single Sources: These values roll up from other sources. These include cost type business processes, some predefined cost columns.
  • Logical Sources: Choose one to create Manual Entry or Formula columns.
  • P6 Sources: To select the P6 Summary Sheet from which cost should role up.

See Project or shell Cost Sheet Column Data Sources.


Data Format

  • Currency: Right-aligns column contents and includes a currency symbol, formatting the value to the specified currency for the sheet.
  • Percentage: Right-aligns the contents and includes a percentage symbol
  • Decimal: Right-aligns column contents and presents the value for the column as a Decimal (with two decimal digits). The prefix of currency symbol, or the suffix of percent symbol, does not appear in columns with a Decimal data format.

Display Mode

Refers to whether the column is displayed on the cost sheet.

  • Show: This is the default choice. This indicates that column will display by default on the cost sheet to all users with at least "view" permission for the cost sheet.
  • Hide: Hidden columns are active but not displayed on the cost sheet. Hidden columns can be accessed by users with "create" permission on the cost sheet.


Determines what will display in the "Total" (bottom) row for the column:

  • Blank: The total of this column is not applicable and will not display on the cost sheet. Choose this column for percentage columns and other columns where it does not make sense to display the sum total.
  • Sum of All Rows: The sum total of the column values is displayed.
  • Use Formula Definition: For formula columns; the formula will be applied to the "Total" row in the same way it is applied to other rows in the column.

Column Position After

The new column will be inserted after the column selected.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024