Columns Tab in the New View Window

The sections under the Columns tab are: Available Columns, Selected Columns, Left Lock after Column, and Right Lock after Column.

In addition to the previous sections, there are three options located after the Selected Columns section: Group Management, Group Selected Columns, and Delete Group.

For a new view, the Available Columns section displays a list of all the columns from the Default view. Cost Code and Cost Name columns are not available in the list because they are part of all views by default. The columns that you have view restrictions for are also not available in the list.

The Cost columns listed under Available Column are grouped as CBS Attributes and Sheet Columns.

The CBS Attributes block items are sorted alphabetically.

In the case of a new view, the list in the Selected Columns section contains the Cost Code and Cost Name columns. You can select one or more columns from the Available Columns list and move those columns to the Selected Columns list.

Note: If you select Save without choosing a column from the Available Columns list, a view with Cost Code and Cost Name columns is created.

When you select multiple columns in the Selected Columns list and then select the Group Selected Columns option, you are prompted to enter a name for the new column group. The maximum character limit for a group name is 255 characters.

You can click two or more selected columns and group them under a new name, or you can create a column group first and then add columns to it.

The groups:

You cannot create a group just once and then use it within multiple views.

Upon choosing the Group Management option, a new window that shows the created groups as tabs is displayed. You can update the Group Title for each group, but know that the Group Title is a required field. Along with the lists of Available Columns and Selected Columns in the Group, there are also two check boxes. You can select the Show last column when group collapsed check box as well as the Collapse group by default check box.

The Available Columns list displays the columns that exist in the default view of the cost sheet. One or more columns can be selected from the Available Columns list and moved to the Selected Columns in the Group list. Columns that are part of another group are italicized. Each group must contain at least one column, as empty groups are not retained. You can re-order the columns in a group by selecting any of the arrow options.

After you create a group, the group is displayed in the Selected Columns section of the previous window with a Column Tree icon and the group name. This group name contains a hyperlink that takes you to the Group Management window and selects the previously selected column.

All changes are saved upon selecting the Save option.

If you choose a column in the Left Lock after column drop-down list, the list for Right Lock after column displays the remaining columns and, if applicable, any groups that you created, from the Selected Columns list. For example, if there are 20 columns in the Selected Columns list and you choose column 4 in Left Lock after column, then Right Lock after column displays columns 4-19. Another scenario is if you select column 19 in Left Lock after column, then Right Lock after column displays column 19.

The Left Lock after column drop-down list initially displays every column from the Selected Columns list, except for the last column and any groups that you created. None is selected in the drop-down list by default. When None is the value in the drop-down list, it means that no column has been chosen to be locked from the left side of the sheet.

For the Right lock after column drop-down list, None is selected by default. When None is the value in the drop-down list, it means that a right lock column has not been chosen for the view. The remaining values in the drop-down list consist of a dynamic list that gets populated based on the value chosen in the Left Lock after column drop-down list.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024