Define Status Change Query and Trigger Conditions (Settings Tab)

The Conditions Elements section lets you define condition criteria per element. Elements can be selected from all data sources and modules available at the Company level.

In this field:

Do this:

Notify users and groups on Status change

Lets you define the users and groups who will receive status change notification.

Email content

Enter the content of the email you want to send to notified users and groups. This content appears in the Additional Information section of the email.

To define query and trigger conditions:

  1. Under Conditions Elements, click Add.
  2. Select a Data Type, and click OK. The Query Condition window opens.
  3. Complete the General tab by entering a name for the query and a brief description. The Data type and Element is auto-populated from the selection you make on the Query tab.
  4. Click the Query tab.
  5. Click Add.
  6. Complete the Query tab:
    • Data Element: Click the Select button. The Data Element Picker opens. The list is generated from the data type you chose in the General tab. If the data element is a picker, drop-down (pull-down), or radio button, the Value field will display the values entered in the data set tab of for the data definition associated with the data element. For a full list of data elements and data types, refer to the Unifier Data Reference Guide.
    • Label: The label defaults to the data element name. You can enter a different label.
    • Condition: Define Gate Condition Element Condition. The condition options vary dynamically depending on the selected Data Element. The screen shots below list out the various options for different Data Element types. Examples include equals, does not equal.
    • Values: Specify value. The Values field varies dynamically depending on the selected Data Element and Condition. (For example, if the element is a text box, the condition might be Contains and value might be one or more letters to search for. If the element is a drop-down (pull-down) or other data definition with a data set, you will select a value from the data set.)
  7. Select the trigger conditions.
  8. Click OK.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024