Manage sheet properties

The Properties window for the sheet maintains the name and display options.

To open the summary sheet Properties window:

In the Configurable Manager Sheets log, select the sheet and click the Properties button.

In this field:

Do this:


This is the name of the sheet, which reflects the class name and is read-only.


Enter an optional description.


Read-only field that displays the class associated with the sheet.

Display Mode

Choose one of the following:

  • Tree: Lists the codes in a hierarchical manner based on the code segments, mimicking the tree structure in the Navigator.
  • Flat: Lists the codes in a flat structure.


Choose one of the following to include:

  • All Records: All records created in the class are displayed on the sheet.
  • Records with statuses: Only records of the selected status are displayed on the sheet. Click Select and choose one or more statuses from the list.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024