Managing Currencies and Exchange Rates

The exchange rate set defines the currencies that are available for use within the system and their corresponding exchange rates, which are based on the company base currency. The exchange rate set that is currently active in the system will display a status of Active. All previous sets are retained, so you can view the currencies and rates that were active in the system in the past. Future currency rates are also listed in the log.

To view the company base currency:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, select Standards & Libraries, and then select Exchange Rates. The Exchange Rates log opens, displaying the following information:
    • Effective Date: This is the date the base currency and its associated exchange rates became active. If you have not yet created an exchange rate set, there will be one default listed in the log, created by the Site Administrator.
    • Base Currency: This is the base currency used by the company.
    • Created By: This field identifies the user who created or modified the exchange rate set.
    • Status: The status indicates which set is active. Only one exchange rate set can be active at a time. View currencies and exchange rates (exchange rate set).

To view an exchange rate set:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, select Standards & Libraries, and then select Exchange Rates. The Exchange Rates log opens.
  3. Select a set from the list and click Open (or double-click the selection). The Edit Currency window opens, displaying the list of available currencies and their exchange rates.

Add a currency to the exchange rates

To add additional currencies, you must create a new exchange rate set. Existing exchange rate sets can be modified until the effective date is reached and that set becomes active. Old sets are inactivated and saved for archival purposes. You can add as many sets as you like, if each set uses a unique effective date.

To add a currency to the exchange rate set:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, select Standards & Libraries, and then select Exchange Rates. The Exchange Rates log opens.
  3. Click New. The Edit Currency window opens. The Co. Currency tab of the window displays all currencies that were added in previous exchange rates sets.
    • The Base Currency field is fixed.
    • In the Effective Date field, you can select a future effective date, or a past effective date, for any exchange rate in the exchange rate set.
  4. Click Add. The Edit Exchange Rate window opens.
    • In the Currency Name field select a currency from the currency list.
    • In the Rate field, enter the exchange rate multiplier to convert the new rate to the company base rate. For example, if the base currency is United States Dollar (USD), and you are adding Euro (EUR), then the exchange rate is the number of EUR in $1 USD; that could look like 0.76 = $1, so in this case you would enter .76.
  5. Click the date icon in the Effective Date field, and select the date this exchange rate set becomes effective.
    • If you do not select an effective date, the system uses 12:00 am local time (tomorrow morning) as the effective date.
    • If the effective date is in the future, the current exchange rate set remains active until the effective date of the new exchange rate set.
    • The future exchange rate set remains editable until the effective date is reached.
    • Before you save the exchange rate set, you can remove a currency that you just added. After the exchange rate set is saved, you cannot remove that currency and the system will carry forward that currency in any new currency exchange rate sets.
    • You can create new exchange rates records for effective dates in the past.
    • These past dated exchange rates can only be used to define Derived Curves within Cash Flow, in Schedule Manager and for EVA calculations.
    • Existing cost transactions in the system will not get updated on creation of new Exchange rate records with historical effective dates.
  6. Click OK to save the exchange rate set.

To modify an exchange rate:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, select Standards & Libraries, and then select Exchange Rates. The Exchange Rates log opens.
  3. Click New. The Edit Currency window opens.
  4. Select a currency from the list and click Modify. The Edit Exchange Rate window opens.
  5. Enter the new rate and click OK.
  6. Enter the Effective Date. The effective date defaults to 12:00 am local time tomorrow morning.
    • If you want the rate to take effect immediately, you can enter today's date.
    • You can enter a future effective date, and the current exchange rate set remains active until the effective date.
  7. Click OK to save and exit the Edit Currency window.

    Note: You can edit the Exchange Rates defined in existing Exchange rate records (open an existing record to open the Edit Currency window).

To copy an exchange rate set:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, select Standards & Libraries, and then select Exchange Rates. The Exchange Rates log opens.
  3. Select an exchange rate set.
  4. Click the Copy button. The Edit Currency window opens.

    From here you can:

    • Add additional currencies.
    • Modify exchange rates.
    • Set an effective date for the exchange rate set.
  5. Click OK to save and exit the Edit Currency window.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024