Import Cost Rows (CBS Codes)

You can create CBS Codes in a cost sheet by importing them from a CSV file. This procedure can also be used to copy the CBS codes from one cost sheet or template to another (the structure and code segments must be the same).

Step 1: Export the file template

Open the cost sheet or template, open the Menu Options, select Export, and select CBS Details.

Depending on your browser, the CSV file will be automatically downloaded, or you will be prompted to download the file manually.

Step 2: Add the CBS code rows to the CSV file

  1. Navigate to and open the CSV file (in Microsoft Excel or another compatible program).

    If the Cost Template already contains rows, they will be listed. If summary rows exist, the CBS column will display them with two tilde symbols (~~) separating the parent row from the child row.

    For example: 2000000 ~~210000, where 2000000 is the parent and 210000 is the child.

  2. Enter information in the required fields and save the file.

    Note: Do not change or delete any of the listed CBS Codes that exist in the system or you will get an error. Changes to the CBS Code must be done within the system.

    Required fields:

    • CBS Code: must be a match to a CBS Code in the Cost Sheet
    • CBS Item: must be a match to the CBS Item for the associated CBS Code in the Cost Sheet
    • Cost Type: Capital or Expense
    • Status: Active or Inactive

Step 3: Import the rows

  1. In the cost sheet or template, open the Menu Options, select Import, and select CBS Details.
  2. In the Upload window, browse to and add the CSV file.
  3. Click Open. After the import, your Cost Sheet will show the new rows.

To copy CBS codes from one cost sheet or template to another:

  1. In the source cost sheet or template, click Export, and then select CBS Details. Save the CSV files. You can go in to the file and add additional codes if needed.
  2. In the destination cost sheet or template, click Import, and then select CBS Details. Browse to the CSV file and import.

    Note: The structure of the two sheets must be the same: Both must be tree or flat structure. Verify the structures by opening the Properties window and clicking the Structure tab. Be sure you are using the same CBS code segments.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024