Company Cost Sheet Data Sources

Data Source


Single Sources

Data from single data sources Project Cost1 to Project Cost25 is rolled up from project-level cost sheets. Users can also view data sources based on business process data rolled up from the project level.

Business Process (All statuses)

Included in the Single Sources list are all Cost BPs that are available for your project, and all their terminal statuses.


Allowance for Change. This is a contingency value.

Funded Records

This column shows records in which the CBS code is funded, that is, spend-type business process records that consume funds.

Unfunded Records

This corresponds to spend-type BP records that are not funded.

Prior Forecasts

Prior forecasts

Yet To Buy

This is a portion of a commit that you still need to buy. This can be automated for uDesigner BPs (commit BPs can track YTB). In Cost Properties, you must set "Auto" "Transaction" options, which track YTB.


Project Cost 1 to Project Cost 25

Roll up from all projects

All Project Single Sources

All other data sources are similar to Project Cost Sheet.

Logical Sources

These sources are formulas.

Company Budget Remaining Balance

This is a place holder for a formula you create (optional).

Company Budget Variance

This is a place holder for a formula you create (optional).

Company Commits

Can be used for company commit BPs

Company Forecasts

This is a place holder for a formula you create (optional).

Company Forecasts (Unaccepted)

This is a place holder for a formula you create (optional).

Company Forecasts Variance

This is a place holder for a formula you create (optional).

Company Funding

You can roll up all project funding here.

Company Spends

You can roll up spends BPs here.

Company CBS Funding

This requires additional setting in Funding Sheet; see Setting Up the Funding Manager.

Company Manual Funding by CBS


Company Cost 1-25


Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024