Add Columns to the Company Funding Sheet

The columns on the company funding sheet are used to track project/shell level funding, as well as commitment level funding if you are using it, and keep track of fund balances.

To add a column to the company funding sheet:

  1. From the Company Funding log, select the company funding sheet and click Open from the gear menu ( ), or double-click the company funding sheet. The Company Funding Sheet window opens.
  2. Click the Add Columns. The New Column window opens.
  3. Complete the fields as described in the following table.
  4. Click Save to add the new column to the company funding sheet.

In this field:

Do this:


The name you choose will appear as the column header. You may manually enter a column name, or, if you leave the Name field blank, the selection you make in the Datasource field will automatically populate the Name field.


Choose one of the following types:

  • From Business Process
  • Direct Entry
  • Line Item Content
  • Formula


All columns must be associated with a data source. The data source that you choose will determine which of the following options are available. The types of Data sources available are as follow.

  • Single Sources: These values roll up from a single, defined source, such as a business process or a system defined source.
  • Logical Sources: These include user-defined Manual Entry or Formula columns.

Single Source

Data sources that contain funding sources and consumption information; that is, Fund subtype of Cost business processes, which allocate funding, Spends business processes that consume funding, and Commit business processes that trigger commitment funding, if used.

  • Business Processes: List of cost-type business processes that include funding data definitions.
  • Project/Shell Funding: Sum of all funding sources at project/shell level for each project/shell, as rolled up from each individual project/shell funding sheet. The information that gets rolled up to this column is dependent on the project/shell funding sheet setup for each project/shell.
  • CBS Funding: Sum of all funding sources at CBS level for each project/shell, rolled up from each individual project/shell funding sheet. The information that gets rolled up to this column is dependent on the project/shell funding sheet setup for each project/shell.
  • Manual Funding by project/shell: Sum of all project/shell-level funds that are allocated at project/shell level manually.
  • Manual Funding by CBS: Sum of all funds that are allocated at CBS level manually.
  • Commitment Funding: Sum of all funds that are allocated at the commitment level (if used) for each project/shell.
  • Records Funded at Project/Shell Level: Sum of all records that are funded at project/shell level. These are records that have already ended their workflow or hit terminal status.
  • Records Funded at CBS Level: Sum of all records that are funded at CBS Level. These are records that have already ended their workflow or hit terminal status.
  • Records Funded at Commitment Level: Sum of all records that are funded at the commitment level (spends BPs that are linked to base commits enabled for commitment funding). These are records that have already ended their workflow or hit terminal status.
  • Transient Records Funded at CBS Level: Sum of all records that are funded at CBS Level. These are records that are currently in process.
  • Transient Records Funded at Project Level: Sum of all records that are funded at project/shell level. These are records that are currently in process.
  • Transient Records Funded at Commitment Level: Sum of all in-process records that are funded at the commitment level.
  • Fund1 to Fund25: Generic data sources that can be used for manual entry or formula columns to make the values reportable.



Logical Sources

Logical sources include the following data sources.

  • Company Funding: This is commonly the column to use to manually enter the starting amount for each fund.
  • Company Fund1 to Fund25: Generic data sources that can be used for manual entry or formula columns to make the values reportable.

Data Format

The following options are applicable for Manual Entry or Formula columns.

  • Currency: right-aligns column contents and includes a currency symbol, formatting the value to the specified currency for the sheet.
  • Percentage: right-aligns the contents and includes a percentage symbol

Display Mode

The following options refer to whether the column is displayed on the sheet.

  • Show: Choose this option to allow users to view this column.
  • Hide: Hidden columns are active but not displayed and can be accessed by users with "create" permission on the funding sheet.

Column Position After

The new column will be inserted after the column selected.

Note: As funding is consumed from individual funds, the new balance will not be reflected on the company funding sheet by default. You can track your fund balances by adding columns to roll up funding assignments from business process or by manual assignments from the project/shell funding sheets, and commitment funding sheets if used, then adding a formula column to keep track of the balance. You can also use the rules engine to create a rule to keep this balance from going less than zero (or another amount).

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024