Add a Column to the Funding Template (or Project/Shell Funding Sheet)

These procedures are applicable to funding sheet templates, funding sheets, and funding sheets created in project/shell templates.

Funding columns specify the data sources (business process transactions, formulas, values entered manually, and so on) that will be displayed on the project/shell funding sheet. Default columns on funding sheet are Fund Code and Fund Name. If a Fund Attribute form has been imported, in which the label of Fund Code data element and Fund Name data element were modified, the new labels will be displayed as column headers.

Note: Some project funding columns require assignment information at the project level and cannot be created in the template (for example, Consumed Funds, CBS Funding).

To add a funding column:

  1. Open the funding sheet or template:
  2. Open the funding template and click the Columns button. The Column Log opens, displaying the list of existing columns.
  3. Click New. The Column Properties window opens.
  4. Complete the Column Properties window as described in the table below.
  5. Click OK to add the new column.

In this field:

Do this:


The name you choose will appear as the column header. You may manually enter a column name, or, if you leave the Name field blank, the selection you make in the Datasource field will automatically populate the Name field.


All columns must be associated with a data source. The data source that you choose will determine which of the following options are available. The types of Data sources available are:

Single Sources: These values roll up from other sources. These include cost type business processes, some pre-defined cost columns.

Logical Sources: These include user-defined Manual Entry or Formula columns.

Single Source

Data sources that contain funding sources and consumption information; that is, Fund subtype of Cost business processes, which allocate funding, Spends business processes that consume funding, and Commit business processes that trigger commitment funding, if used.

  • Business Processes: List of cost-type business processes that include funding data definitions.
  • Manual Funding by CBS: Sum of all funds that are allocated at CBS level manually.
  • Commitment Funding: If commitment funding is used, this data source tracks funds that are allocated across base commit and change commit business process records enabled for commitment funding. Reflects sum of Funding Across All Funds and Funding By Discrete Funds data sources on commitment funding sheets. Click the link to view cell details.
  • Records Funded at Project/Shell Level: Sum of all records that are funded at project/shell level. These are records that have already ended their workflow or hit terminal status.
  • Records Funded at CBS Level: Sum of all records that are funded at CBS Level. These are records that have already ended their workflow or hit terminal status.
  • Records Funded at Commitment Level: Sum of all records that are funded at the commitment level (spends BPs that are linked to base commits enabled for commitment funding). These are records that have already ended their workflow or hit terminal status.
  • Transient Records Funded at CBS Level: Sum of all records that are funded at CBS Level. These are records that are currently in process.
  • Transient Records Funded at Project Level: Sum of all records that are funded at project/shell level. These are records that are currently in process.
  • Transient Records Funded at Commitment Level: Sum of all in-process records that are funded at the commitment level.



Logical Sources

Logical sources include:

  • Project/Shell Funding: Sum of all funding sources at project/shell level. The information that gets rolled up to this data source is dependent on the project/shell Funding Sheet setup for each project/shell.
  • CBS Funding: Sum of all funding sources at CBS level. The information that gets rolled up to this data source is dependent on the project/shell Funding Sheet setup for each project/shell.
  • Manual Funding by Project/Shell: Sum of all funds that are allocated at project/shell level manually.
  • Fund1 to Fund25: Generic data sources that can be used for manual entry columns to make the values reportable.

Entry Method

This is applicable for logical data sources.

Manual Entry: Choose Direct Entry into Cell to allow entry directly into the cell, or Line Item Content to allow data entry through a line item window.

Formula: Values are calculated based on a specified formula entered for the column. Formulas can include the values of other columns. Click the Create button to create the formula.

Data Format

Applicable for Manual Entry or Formula columns:

Currency: right-aligns column contents and includes a currency symbol, formatting the value to the specified currency for the sheet.

Percentage: right-aligns the contents and includes a percentage symbol

Display Mode

Refers to whether the column is displayed on the sheet.

Show: This is the default choice. This indicates that column will display by default on the funding sheet to all users with at least "view" permission for the funding sheet.

Hide: Hidden columns are active but not displayed and can be accessed by users with "create" permission on the funding sheet.

Column Position After

The new column will be inserted after the column selected

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024