Set Up Funding Assignment Options

After you create a project/shell funding sheet, you can set up assignment options. This includes specifying whether manual assignment is allowed; defining the business processes that can be used to assign funds to projects/shells or to specific CBS codes; and defining assignment levels.

Project Level and CBS Level: Specify how funds can be added for this project/shell. This can be Manual (appropriate funds manually from the company funding sheet, and/or through funding appropriation business processes that appropriate company funds for the project/shell.

You can define funding appropriations at the project level (not associated with specific CBS codes), and at the CBS level (funding is specified per CBS code). You can "mix and match" for each project, with some business processes using project level funding, and others CBS level. Manual fund appropriations can be done at both levels.

Assignment Levels and Rules: For each funding business process that has been set up for the project/shell, you specify manual, Auto Order, or Auto Ratio. You also choose to assign funds at the Project Level (funding is consumed based on the total of the spends business process, providing greater flexibility for fund assignment), or CBS Level (funding is consumed per line item of a spends business process, which provides greater control over how funds are spent on each item.)

To set up fund assignment rules:

  1. Open the company or shell funding sheet template (in the left Navigator, select Templates, select Funding, and then select Funding Sheets; or, in the left Navigator, select Templates, select Shells, select the [shell type], select the [shell template], select Cost Manager, select Funding, and then select Funding Sheet).
  2. Select the template in the log and click the Properties button.
  3. Click the Assignment tab.
  4. Complete the window as described in the following table.
  5. Click OK.

In this field:

Do this:

Funding Assignment

Select the Funding Assignments sources. The sources can be at the CBS level, where funds are assigned to specific CBS codes, or project/shell level, which allows project/shell level funding without assigning funds to specific CBS codes.

Project/Shell Level

Click Add to add project/shell level sources. Options include:

  • Manual: Allows manual entry of project/shell fund assignments on the sheet
  • Business Processes: Any cost type business process that is created with sub-type Line Items with Fund Code and Classification as Generic.

CBS Level

Click Add to add CBS level sources. Options include:

  • Manual: Allows manual entry of CBS level fund assignments on the sheet
  • Business Processes: Any cost type business process that is created with sub-type Line Items with both CBS Code and Fund Code and Classification as Generic.

Assignment Levels

Allows you to set fund assignment rule for each spend-type business process that is configured in your project/shell. The assignment level will only show those spend type business processes that consume funds. This option is available while designing a spend type business process in uDesigner.


Assignment Rules

Click the drop-down list and select a project/shell-level or CBS-level rule.

Project /Shell Level:

  • Manual (Assign by BP Record Total): All spends are collected as Unassigned. These spends should be assigned manually to one or more funds at project/shell record Level.
  • Manual (Assign by BP Line Item): All spends are collected as Unassigned. These spends should be assigned manually to one or more funds at the project/shell line item.
  • Auto Order (Assign by BP Record Total): Funding sources are arranged in a prescribed order, and spend are assigned in that order. The assignment order is defined under the project/shell Fund Assignment Order window, which you can access by selecting Funding Sheet, and then selecting Fund Assignment Order.
  • Auto Order (Assign by BP Line Item): Funding sources are arranged in a prescribed order, and spend are assigned in that order at line item level. The assignment order is defined under the project/shell Fund Assignment Order window, which you can access by selecting Funding Sheet, and then selecting Fund Assignment Order.
  • Auto Ratio (Assign by BP Record Total): Funding sources are proportionally consumed until fully depleted. The fund level itself automatically defines the ratio. After the funds are consumed, remaining spends are collected as Unassigned.
  • Auto Ratio (Assign by BP Line Item): Funding sources are proportionally consumed until fully depleted at line item level. The fund level itself automatically defines the ratio. After the funds are consumed, remaining spends are collected as Unassigned.

CBS Level:

  • Manual: All spends are collected as Unassigned, and are manually assigned to one or more funds at CBS level.
  • Auto Order: Funding sources assigned to that CBS are arranged in a prescribed order, and spends are assigned in that order. After all funds are consumed, remaining spends are collected as Unassigned. Fund Assignment Order for CBS can be defined under Fund Assignment Order window, which you can access by select Cost Sheet, and then selecting Fund Assignment Order.
  • Auto Ratio: Funding sources assigned to that CBS are proportionally consumed until fully depleted. The fund level itself automatically defines the ratio. After all funds are consumed, remaining spends are collected as Unassigned.
  • SOV Auto Order: This option indicates that the assignment should be at SOV level using Auto order option. The order assignment will be defined under Fund Assignment window, which you can access by selecting SOV.
  • SOV Auto Ratio: This option indicates that the assignment should be at SOV level using Auto ratio option. The ratio will be defined under Fund Assignment window, which you can access by selecting SOV.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024