Add and Manage Commitment Funding Sheet Columns

These procedures are applicable to commitment funding sheet templates, commitment funding structures created in a project/shell, commitment funding sheet structures created in project/shell templates, or individual commitment funding sheets.

Funding columns specify the data sources (business process transactions, formulas, values entered manually, and so on) that will be displayed on commitment funding sheet.

To add a column to a commitment funding template, structure or sheet:

  1. Open the commitment funding sheet, template or structure.
  2. Click the Columns button. The Column Log opens, displaying the list of existing columns.
  3. Click New. The Column Properties window opens.
  4. Complete the Column Properties window as described in the following table.
  5. Click OK to add the new column.

In this field:

Do this:


The name you choose will appear as the column header. You may manually enter a column name, or, if you leave the Name field blank, the selection you make in the Datasource field will automatically populate the Name field.


All columns must be associated with a data source.

Note: In these data source definitions, the terms All Funds and Discrete Fund refer to the fund assignment options. These options determine how the SOV lines (and therefore, the commit lines) will be funded, either automatically or manually from the entire list of funds available to the commit, or by one specific fund. (See Define Commitment Fund Assignment Details.)

The data sources available for commitment funding sheets are:

  • Funding Across All Funds: Use this column to enter (or calculate) the amount of each fund to allocate for this base commit record. The rows on the sheet are the funds that will be used to fund the commit. The value entered here will be the fund amount available for all commit lines that have "All Funds" as assignment. This can be a manual entry column, or a formula that uses another manual entry column as the basis of the formula.
  • Funding By Discrete Fund: This column displays the sum total of all the line items of base and change commits that are funded by a specific (or "discrete") fund. This value can be used to determine the fund balance during consumption.
  • Records Funded Across All Funds: Reflects the total of funds consumed from records that are funded based on All Funds, whether funding is done manually or automatically.
  • Records Funded By Discrete Fund: Displays the total of funds consumed from records that are funded based on a discrete fund, whether funding is done manually or automatically.
  • Fund Balance Across All Funds: This column tracks the fund balance across all funds. The formula used is (Funding Across All Funds) - (Records Funded By All Funds).
  • Fund Balance By Discrete Fund: This column tracks the fund balance by specific fund chosen in the Fund Assignment window. The formula used is (Funding By Discrete Fund) - (Records Funded By Discrete Fund).
  • Funding Ratio Across All Funds: The value of this column is calculated automatically. It reflects the % ratio to use when performing fund assignment ratio during consumption. The formula is (Fund Balance Across All Funds Per Fund) / Total of Fund Balance Across All Funds).
  • Commitment Funding 1 to 25: Numeric data sources that are available to use to enter values manually or create formulas based on other columns. These are reportable via user-defined reports.

Entry Method

Choose one (the options that are available are dependent on the data source chosen):

  • Manual Entry: Users enter values directly on the sheet.
  • Formula: Values are calculated using the entered formula. Formulas can include the values of other columns. Click the Create button to create the formula.

Display Mode

This controls the display of numeric column data.

  • Show as percentage. Data is displayed as %
  • Decimal places. Choose 2 to 8


Determines what will display in the "Total" (bottom) row for the column:

  • Blank: The total of this column is not applicable and will not display on the cost sheet. Choose this column for percentage columns and other columns where it does not make sense to display the sum total.
  • Sum of All Rows: The sum total of the column values is displayed.
  • Use Formula Definition: For formula columns; the formula will be applied to the "Total" row in the same way it is applied to other rows in the column.

Column Position After

The new column will be inserted after the column selected

To create a formula column:

  1. In the Column Properties window, choose Formula as the Entry Method, and then click Create. The Formula Creation window opens.
  2. Enter the first value in the formula:

    To enter numerical values into the formula, click the number keys on the on-screen keypad. (Include parentheses, % or decimal point as necessary.)

    To add a column value into the formula, select it from the list in the left pane, and then click Select (or double-click it). Options include:

    • Columns: These are columns that have been added to the sheet. The value in the corresponding row will be used in the formula.
    • Total Elements: These are the columns on the sheet that display a total (either the sum or formula definition, as defined in the Total option for that column). The value of the Total for that column will be used in the formula.
    • An additional default Total Element is also available: Commitment Total Funded By All Funds. It is the sum of all commit line items (base and change commits) that have the assignment option "All Funds" (as selected for each commit line on the Fund Assignment window).

      As you build the formula, it appears in the Formula box in the upper right portion of the window.

  3. Click the appropriate operator: add, subtract, multiply, or divide.
  4. Continue to alternate between choosing values and operators to add to the formula.
  5. You may click Undo at any time to undo the last action. Click the Clear All button to clear the entire formula.
  6. When the formula is complete, click OK to save your formula and return to the Column Properties window.
  7. If you need to change the formula after creating it, click the Modify button (next to the Formula option). Clear the old formula first (click Undo or Clear All), and then re-enter it.

To create a column by copying an existing column:

  1. In the Column log, select a column and click Copy. The Column Properties window opens.
  2. Make changes as necessary for the new column. You must change at least the data source.

To edit a column:

  1. In the Columns Log , select a column and click Open. The Column Properties window opens.
  2. Make edits as necessary and click OK.

    Note: Although it is possible to change the entry methods for a column, use caution when doing so. For example, if you change the entry method from Manual Entry to Formula, any existing values you have entered in that column will be replaced with the formula. Some column properties for some system data sources cannot be modified.

To move a column:

In the Columns Log, select a column to move, and then click Move Up (Left) or Move Down (Right). The order in which the columns appear in the Log window is the order (from left to right) that they appear on the sheet.

To delete a column:

Select a column from the Columns Log and click Delete. The column will be deleted.

Note: If the column is being used in a formula in another column, you must remove the column from the formula before you can delete it.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024