Add SOV Columns

Columns determine what data is displayed on the SOV sheets. You can add, modify, delete, hide/unhide columns on the structure. Any modifications you make on the structure will be reflected on all SOV sheets for that project/shell. Columns can be added to the SOV Template or Structure. Each column represents a data source. At a minimum, include a column for Commits Remaining Balance to enable validation of Spends against the Commits.

Note: This information is applicable to adding or editing columns in an SOV template or structure.

To add an SOV column:

  1. Open the SOV template or structure.
  2. Click the Columns button. The columns log opens.
    • The three default columns (CBS Code, CBS Item, and Breakdown) for the General Spends and Payment Applications are not editable and do not appear in the log.
    • The default columns (Cost Code, Code Name, Cost Line Item Type, and Description) for the Summary Payment Applications are also not editable and do not appear in the log.
  3. Click New. The Column Properties window opens.
  4. Complete the Column Properties window and click OK.

In this field:

Do this:


The name you choose will appear as the column header. You may manually enter a column name, or, if you leave the Name field blank, the selection you make in the Datasource field will automatically populate the Name field.


All columns must be associated with a data source. The data source that you choose will determine which of the following options are available.

Single Sources

These values roll up from single defined sources, including business processes.

Logical Sources

The options are:

  • None: Lets you manually configure the column as a manual entry or formula column to suit your needs.
  • Commits Remaining Balance: Commits Remaining Balance is a column on the SOV Template/Structure. It reflects the amount of your commits minus the spends, according to a formula you define.
  • Scheduled Value: This is a formula column can be used to keep track of the remaining SOV balance. (Example formula: Base Commit (Approved) + Change Commit (Approved) - General Spends Invoice (Approved))

Note: Be sure to add a Scheduled Value column to the SOV sheet if you will be doing commitment level funding.

Entry Method

This is applicable for logical data sources.

  • Manual Entry: Choose Direct Entry into Cell to allow entry directly into the cell, or Line Item Content to allow data entry through a line item window.
  • Formula: Values are calculated based on a specified formula entered for the column. Formulas can include the values of other columns. Click the Create button to create the formula.

Data Format

Applicable for Manual Entry or Formula columns:

  • Currency: right-aligns column contents and includes a currency symbol, formatting the value to the specified currency for the sheet.
  • Percentage: right-aligns the contents and includes a percentage symbol

Display Mode

Refers to whether the column is displayed on the cost sheet.

  • Show: The default choice. This indicates that column will display by default on the cost sheet to all users with at least "view" permission for the cost sheet.
  • Hide: Hidden columns are active but not displayed on the cost sheet. Hidden columns can be accessed by users with "create" permission on the cost sheet.

Column Position After

The new column will be inserted after the column selected

Allow sub-breakdown with validation

If this option is selected, the sum of breakdown amounts is validated against the CBS summary amount. That is, the sum of the breakdowns cannot exceed the amount of the CBS code itself.

Last Published Monday, October 7, 2024