Loading the Planning Manager

Loading the Planning Manager is part of setting it up. In this step, you will be loading the manager into the area where it should reside—the Company Workspace or a project/shell.

When you load the Planning Manager, you also load the permission infrastructure and the ability to grant permissions for the manager.

To load the Planning Manager:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • To load the Planning Manager into the Company Workspace, go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode. In the left Navigator, click Company Workspace > Planning Manager.
    • To load the Planning Manager into a project/shell, go to the shell or sub-shell and switch to Admin mode. In the left Navigator, click Setup > Planning Manager.
  2. Click New.

    The New Business Processes window opens, showing the Planning Managers that are available for loading.

  3. Select the planning manager you want to load and click OK.

    The system displays the manager in the right pane.

See Also

Setting Up the Planning Manager

Importing a Planning Type

Granting Yourself Permissions

Creating a Default Structure for the Planning Sheet

Configuring the Planning Type

Deleting a Planning Manager

Configuring Planning Manager Configuration Package

Granting Planning Setup Permissions

Granting User Permissions

Master Log - Planning Items for the Planning Manager

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024