View and Manage Resource Booking Details (Calendar Tab)

You can view booking dates, unavailable dates (non-project time, such as vacation days), and more. Hard-bookings and soft-bookings are displayed on the calendar.

To view the resource booking calendar and details

  1. In the Create Resource window, click the Calendar tab.
  2. Click the Month tab or Week tab to change the calendar view. If a resource has more than 5 bookings in a day, you can view them all in the week view.
  3. To view all projects/shells for any given day, select a day and click Booking Details.

    The Resource Booking Details window displays the bookings for that resource on the selected date. It shows the project/shell number, project/shell name, booking status, dates when the booking starts and ends, total hours booked for the resource during this period on the project/shell, and total hours booked on the current date on the project/shell. The dates and hours shown include non-project time.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024