Link a Template to a Shell Schedule Sheet

  1. On the Schedule Sheet log, select the schedule sheet template that you want to link.

    This template must have been enabled for linking. (See Enable and Disable Schedule Sheet Linking.)

  2. Choose View > Linked Schedule Sheets.

    The Linked Schedule Sheets window opens, listing the schedule sheets that are currently linked to the template.

  3. Click Add. The Add Schedule Sheets window opens.

    This window lists Active and On-Hold projects/shells and the corresponding active schedule sheets for those projects/shells.

  4. Select one or more schedule sheets and click Select. You will receive a confirmation message that the data in the newly linked sheet will be modified when the update is completed using the link between the template and the sheet.

    When you link a schedule sheet to the template, the system:

    • Deletes the existing data on the project/shell schedule sheet, including all activities, columns, and cell data
    • Retains the schedule sheet properties, including the Schedule Start Date
  5. To link the sheets, click OK.
  6. When you are finished adding linked sheets, click Close Window.

Last Published Wednesday, June 26, 2024