Adding a Grid Summary to a Detail Form

You can add line item grid summary to a line item business process and use it to track and display, for example, the number of hours performed on a project on a daily basis. You can configure the summary to display Total and average amounts. Summary is allowed only for numeric data elements.

To configure a grid summary on a detail form:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the left Navigator, expand the uDesigner node.
  3. Click the Business Processes node. The Business Processes log opens.
  4. Open the cost or line-item type business process for which want to configure a Summary for Total Amount and/or Average Amount.

    You can use the Find feature to locate the business process in the Business Process log.

  5. In the Navigator, click Detail Form. The Detail Form log opens.

    Select the detail form to which you want to add the grid summary.

  6. Open the Detail form by either selecting it and clicking the Open button, or by double-clicking the form. The Detail form opens.
  7. In the Detail form toolbar, click the Properties button. The Elements Properties window opens.
  8. Select an element for which you want to add a summary
  9. Click the Summary button. The Summary dialog box opens.
  10. Select the options you want to use; you can use both average and total summary selections, or just one selection, for the grid summary.
    • Display on Total Line — Use this selection to create a summary row at the bottom of the line item grid at run time.
    • Display on Average Line — Use this selection to create an average row at the bottom of the line item grid at run time.
    • Show Negative Numbers as — Use this selection to define the negative number format.
    • Click the OK button to save your selections.
    • You will see your selections for the numeric data element in the Summary column on the far right of the Elements Properties window.

    At run time, you will see real time updates in the Grid View at the bottom of the window.

Last Published Monday, June 3, 2024